Tales by Light Essay pt. 1 (Life and Death: Part 1)

I watched an episode following the life of photographer Stephen Dupont, he’s a documentary photographer that specializes in capturing the effects of life and death on specific societies. I liked him because he told a story through his photographs, often forgotten or overlooked stories that should have a deeper impact on our society as a whole. He photographs tragedies in third world countries that aren’t rare (genocides, wars, etc.).
My favorite location that Dupont photographed was Varanasi, India. It was very interesting to see the stark contrast and comparison of Life and Death surrounding one place. People would bathe in the Ganges to be spiritually cleansed one day while the next day, relatives would bring their kin to be cremated and have their ashes thrown into the Ganges. This one central location being the center for the Hinduism belief culture is wildly interesting.  
I learned that when being a documentary photographer, it is CRUCIAL to blend in with your surroundings so as to not disrupt the natural order of the situation. This way you can tell a truer version of the story that’s occurring.

I didn’t know how chaotic the world was, especially in third world countries. The violence that occurs in these locations is absolutely crazy, I’m so oblivious to the current state of our world. But I’m happy there are photographers that venture out there to tell the world about what really happens in these third world countries.


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